About Us
DAF-Horizontal DAF
DAF-Superifical DAF
DAF-Cavitation air flotation
DAF-Multiphase mixture DAF
DAF-Sedimentation DAF
DAF-Vertical DAF
DAF-Double-effect DAF
DAF-Experimental DAF
DAF-Chain-plate type skimmer
DAF-Mircro-nano bubble generator
Lamella clarifier
Lamella clarifier-Lamella clarifier
Chemical dosing unit
Chemical dosing unit-GPT Type Automatic Chemical Dosing System
Chemical dosing unit-GJY type chemical dosing unit
Sludge scraper
Sludge scraper-ZG sludge scraper
Sludge scraper-ZGA sludge scraper
Sludge dewatering system
Sludge dewatering system-Screw press
Other auxiliary equipment
Other auxiliary equipment-mechanical bar screen
Other auxiliary equipment-rotary drum screen
Other auxiliary equipment-static screen
Cases-River sewage
Cases-Pulp & Paper
Cases-Printing and Dyeing
Cases-Landfill Leachate
Cases-Seawater Desalination
News-【Third Day of Exhibition】
News-【Second Day of Exhibition】
News-【First Day of Exhibition】
News-Four stages features of DAF technology
News-2017 Vietwater Environmental Exhibition
News-GYE Environmental successfully attended in Aquatech China
News-Wuxi Gongyuan Environmental has attended the 2018 Asia Water Expo
News-How to do with the foating scum produced by DAF?
News-10th anniversary celebration of the Gongyuan founding
News-Celebrate the 12th anniversary of Gongyuan Environmental Company
News-Military and business training
News-Happy Teachers Day
News-How does the DAF unit achieve the purpose of treating sewage during its working procedures?
News-2018 WATERTECH Beijing
News-Turkimenistan Pirgui renovation project
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